FDA and Its Regulated Industries: A Cornerstone of America's Economic Future


On March 7, the Alliance for a Stronger FDA released a white paper on the far-reaching and positive economic impact of a strong FDA and the industries it oversees.  The report is intended to provide interested parties, including Congress and Executive Branch policymakers, with information on FDA’s role in economic growth. A number of groups--consumers, patient advocates and industry--provided comments to the Alliance on the impact of FDA on the American economy.


“Most policymakers have heard that FDA-regulated industries account for nearly 25% of U.S consumer spending,” said Nancy Bradish Myers, President of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA and President of Catalyst Healthcare Consulting. “However, many have not thought about the major negative economic impact if FDA, the primary regulator of those industries–which employ millions and are net exporters of U.S. products—is not adequately funded by federal dollars.” 


She added: “FDA is a regulatory agency that can help the economy expand. It is one of the reasons that industry, patients and consumers support a strong, appropriately funded FDA that has the resources to assure that our foods are safe and our biopharmaceutical, medical devices and vaccines are safe and effective.”


The Alliance for a Stronger FDA white paper, entitled “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration: A Cornerstone of America’s Economic Future” provides useful information about medical products, the American food supply, and FDA’s role in fighting bio- and agro-terrorism. It also describes some of the advantages of maintaining U.S. leadership role in the global economy and the potential costs to the domestic economy and U.S. exports if FDA falls behind.  


“Food contributes nearly $1.2 trillion to our economy, or 8% of the U.S. gross domestic product. Ensuring the safety of our food supply is as essential as providing for our national defense,” said Caroline Smith DeWaal, an Alliance Board Member and Director of Food Safety at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. “Protecting our food supply is a major part of FDA’s mission, and both the food industry and consumers benefit from a strong FDA and a growing economy.”


“No agency with a critical role like FDA’s should be asked to do more, with less,” said Margaret Anderson, Vice President of the Alliance and Executive Director of FasterCures.  “If we are to advance medical progress and improve patients’ lives--which will significantly bolster the US economy--we need to start making the FDA a national priority.”  

The Alliance’s 180 members--comprised of consumer, patient, professional and research groups, companies, trade associations, and individuals--represent millions of Americans who support increased appropriated funding for FDA.  More information about the Alliance can be found at www.StrengthenFDA.org.


The full report – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration: A Cornerstone of America’s Economic Future -- can be downloaded from the Alliance’s web site.







AdvaMed (Advanced Medical Technology Association)

“Everyday, America’s medical technology companies are developing life-saving, life-enhancing advancements in patient care. This progress doesn’t occur in a vacuum. It’s critical to patients, continued innovation and future economic growth that our regulatory processes support the next great leap forward in medical progress. That’s why we support a well-resourced FDA with well-trained reviewers who have appropriate scientific expertise.” Stephen J. Ubl, President and CEO


Alliance for Aging Research

“Over the next 30 years, there will be no greater challenge to the U.S. than dealing with the human and economic consequences of the graying of America.  To improve lives and bend the cost curve of billions of health care dollars, we will need investment and innovation from the medical products industries.  An effective working partnership with the FDA is essential.” Dan Perry, President & CEO



“AstraZeneca favors a well-funded and scientifically world-class FDA that has the resources it needs to bring safe, effective and innovative medicines to patients in the United States. Developing and making new medicines available not only helps improve peoples’ health, it helps grow the American economy.” Rich Fante, President, U.S. & CEO North America


Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO)

“The promise of the life sciences – economic expansion, jobs, and new therapies for unmet medical needs – requires an adequately funded FDA and a strong, reliable regulatory environment.” James C. Greenwood, President & CEO


Center for Science in the Public Interest

“Food contributes nearly $1.2 trillion to our economy, or 8% of the U.S. gross domestic product. Ensuring the safety of our food supply is as essential as providing for our national defense. It is a major part of FDA’s mission. Both the food industry and consumers benefit from a strong FDA and a growing economy.” Caroline Smith DeWaal, Director of Food Safety


FasterCures/The Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions

“No agency with a critical role like FDA’s should be asked to do more, with less. If we are to advance medical progress and improve patients’ lives--which will significantly bolster the US economy--we need to start making the FDA a national priority.” Margaret Anderson, Executive Director


Friends of Cancer Research

“Innovation – in the form of new drugs, vaccines, and medical devices – has vastly improved the health of people around the world and has thus far been a pillar supporting the US economy.  Without further financial investment in the science at FDA, future innovation is put at severe risk.”   Dr. Ellen Sigal, Chair and Founder



"The growth of Medtronic and the medical device industry is truly an American success story. To write the next chapter, we need a business environment that fosters innovation, drives job creation and supports principled collaboration between industry, government and medical professionals.  A strong, fully-funded FDA is vital to creating a more predictable and consistent regulatory system, making it possible for patients to get faster access to novel medical technology." Bill Hawkins, Chairman and CEO


National Research Center for Women and Families

“As public health experts and advocates, we know that Americans depend on a strong FDA to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical products made by companies that also produce jobs and grow our economy.” Diana Zuckerman, PhD,  President


National Organization for Rare Disorders

"There are innumerable diseases and conditions for which patients are awaiting new therapies. These can only come from viable and vibrant biopharmaceutical and medical devices industries whose investments grow America and move us closer to helping patients with unmet medical needs.” Peter Saltonstall, President


Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturing Association (PhRMA)

"America’s biopharmaceutical research companies are among the most innovative, research-driven enterprises in the world. Combined, they employ around 650,000 high-skill, high-wage men and women; and, every direct job supports nearly 3.7 additional American jobs. Our industry invests tens of billions annually in research and development. But, without a strong, science-driven, appropriately funded FDA, patients wouldn’t realize any of the benefits of the life-saving and life-enhancing therapies that our companies produce." John J. Castellani, President and CEO 


Forget the Hype: Change Takes Time


FDA Is Fighting on Two Fronts