FDA Is Fighting on Two Fronts
FDA is still a 20th century agency. It lacks the databases, technologies and tools to do its work. It does not have the depth of manpower to be experts in all the increasingly complex sciences associated with medical products and foods. It lacks the confidence to consistently make decisions based on risk-benefit analysis, rather than leaning toward the highly restrictive Precautionary Principle.
FDA Matters can’t see any downside to the FDA gaining the technology, the manpower and the confidence to transform itself into the 21st century FDA that our nation needs. Yet, Commissioner Hamburg has to fight on two fronts to preserve her ability to make the necessary changes.
The new Congress has a different set of priorities than the previous two. Deficit cutting and government accountability are on everyone’s mind.
Under a House-passed bill that would fund the federal government in Fiscal Year (FY) 11, the FDA would be allotted $241 million below the level at which it was funded in FY 10. Were this to become law, the agency would need to cut new programs, abandon initiatives and probably lay off staff. To reach agreement with the House, the Senate will also have to cut the federal budget, although perhaps not the funds for FDA.
A 21st century FDA requires capacity to meet new challenges. This won’t occur if the FDA’s budget is being cut.
At the same time, Congress is increasing its oversight/investigative activities. Oversight of FDA needs to occur, but it comes at a price. Investigative hearings are a potent reminder to FDA that cautious, risk-adverse decisions are the ones Congress won’t question. Thus, FDA is reinforced in being a 20th Century agency, rather than encouraged to modernize and think more broadly about problem-solving in the 21st century.
Also, there is an ongoing shift from public funding of FDA to industry funding. User fees pay for very specific tasks. Over-reliance on them reduces the flexibility that FDA leadership needs to handle public health challenges, especially modernizing and strengthening the agency.
Prevailing with Congress won’t be easy and must be considered Commissioner Hamburg’s top priority. At the same time, she must deal with growing unhappiness among FDA-regulated medical product companies.
Based on some recent FDA decisions (e.g. on three weight-loss therapies), many in industry believe FDA is erecting an insurmountable wall of trial design and safety requirements, all intended to slow or deny approval for large-population drugs. Yet, the blockbuster drug (rather than personalized medicine) will remain the industry’s primary business model for at least the next 10 years. Further, Americans still need safe and effective drugs that can treat hundreds of thousands of patients.
Similarly, there have been a number of skirmishes about review standards for medical devices. FDA has moved slowly, listened hard and made compromises. However, with some justification, industry still fears that proposed new standards and procedures will be expensive and delay approval of safe and effective medical devices in the US. FDA also finds itself being compared to the European system, where medical devices are approved far more quickly.
Current industry unhappiness might not be such a challenge for the Commissioner, except for its likely impact on user fee negotiations, agency funding, Congressional oversight and the national debate over how to stem the flow of American jobs and capital to Europe and Asia.
Ultimately, the FDA’s “fight” with Congress and “fight” with industry come down to one issue: the creation of a 21st century FDA.
It won’t happen if Congress doesn’t fund modernization, tears FDA apart with investigations or relies too heavily on user fees. It also won’t happen if industry—which is the natural advocate for a more modern FDA—can’t work with the FDA to synchronize public health and safety concerns…with efficient and effective ways to review and approve new therapies.
FDA and Congress: FY 11 Deficit Reduction Could Cut Deep February 13th, 2011
Based on budget-cutting actions in the House of Representatives, the FDA is now vulnerable to substantial cuts in its current-year programs. This column analyzes the House situation for FY 11, based on analysis I have done for the Alliance for a Stronger FDA, which is the leading voice for increased appropriations for FDA. Read the rest of this entry
Will the New Congress Be Good for FDA-Regulated Industries? December 19th, 2010
FDA Matters is hearing that FDA-regulated industries will benefit from the 2010 election. It is assumed that a Republican-led House and more Republicans in the Senate will benefit drug, device and food companies. After all, aren’t Republicans more business-friendly and more concerned about perceived regulatory excess?
Those saying and thinking these things may be in for a rude awakening. Everybody—FDA, industry, patients and consumers—is going to have a rough time over the next two years. Industry will be heard more often, but not always have the winning position. Read the rest of this entry
FDA and Election 2010: Oversight and Investigations November 13th, 2010
The return of a Republican majority in the House of Representatives means an increase in Congressional oversight and investigations. This mirrors 2006, when the Democrats took back Congress and immediately started investigating the Bush administration. Once again, the agency will find itself buffeted by political forces that are as concerned about “scoring points” as they are about improving government. FDA Matters thinks this will have a large impact on FDA, as well as the agency’s stakeholders. Read the rest of this entry