FDA Leadership and Challenges: Seven Columns to Re-read for 2010
As a rule, FDA Matters does not cover the day-to-day events at FDA and in Congress. Most readers have multiple sources for news about the agency. I doubt I could do better.
Rather, the goal of this blog is to cover larger themes and provide deeper insights into the world of FDA. I place a premium on exploring FDA's future, as an observer, commentator and instigator. Here are seven columns about FDA leadership and challenges that will help you to better understand the agency in 2010.
Public Health Leadership Comes to FDA
FDA leadership–Dr. Hamburg and Dr. Sharfstein– come from an entirely different mold than their predecessors. They have begun an era of public health leadership at the agency. FDA staff and agency stakeholders will eventually come to appreciate that this difference is good for FDA. Read the rest of this entry »
Turning Data into Knowledge
Through statute and directive, FDA has been asked to collect, analyze, interpret and utilize massive amounts of data. The systems are not in place to do this, at least not at the required level of sophistication. Even if they were in place, sifting valuable information from background noise is extraordinarily hard. As a result, FDA needs to manage Congressional and public expectations as to "what is possible and when." Read the rest of this entry »
FDA and NIH: Natural Allies
Tension between CMS and FDA is a fact of life at HHS. This is not surprising because they have fundamentally different missions and world views. An analysis of the FDA-CMS relationship leads to an interesting conclusion: FDA should be doing a lot more with NIH because they have complementary missions and similar world views. They are natural allies. Read the rest of this entry »
In Praise of Predictability
FDA has always found it challenging to make its actions predictable. This problem will worsen while Dr. Hamburg redefines the agency's mission, policies, actions and working assumptions. Once this has been accomplished, the agency will become dramatically more predictable to stakeholders, including Congress. Read the rest of this entry »
To Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected
FDA has received $306 million (15%) more to spend in FY 10. This is the third good year for FDA, after years of bad ones. The agency is still severely underfunded, but progress is finally being made. Now the hard work begins: spending the new money wisely and showing that it has been used to accomplish important public health missions. Read the rest of this entry »
CARS: The Vehicle for FDA's Future
Commissioner Hamburg has spoken a number of times about the importance of regulatory science. She is right. FDA must have the scientific tools and methodologies to be a 21st century regulatory agency. FDA needs to define regulatory science, develop programs to support it, and package them in a way that will quickly bring recognition and funding. Read the rest of this entry »
Long-term Challenges Need Short-term Attention
FDA Matters has identified seven long-term challenges for FDA. Some of these challenges may take years to accomplish; all need to be started now. Three or four years from now, Commissioner Hamburg will be judged by whether she moved the agency forward in these areas. Read the rest of this entry »